Heap allocator

In the kernel, and also in userspace we need a heap.

Heap simply is a memory region that we can allocate and deallocate memory from when we need dynamically.

Anyway, we need heap implementation for the kernel and userspace.

This is achieved in increasing_heap_allocator. This is a crate implementing heap allocator based on "increasing" memory block.

What does that mean?

It means that this crate require a Page provider, i.e. an entity that can provide pages of memory that reside after each other, and the rest of handling heap memory is done by the crate.

This example will make it clear, this is how its implemented in userspace:

use increasing_heap_allocator::{PageAllocatorProvider, HeapAllocator}; const PAGE_4K: usize = 4096; struct PageAllocator { heap_start: usize, mapped_pages: usize, } impl PageAllocator { fn new() -> Self { Self { heap_start: unsafe { syscall::inc_dec_heap(0).unwrap() as usize }, mapped_pages: 0, } } } impl PageAllocatorProvider<PAGE_4K> for PageAllocator { fn allocate_pages(&mut self, pages: usize) -> Option<*mut u8> { assert!(pages > 0); // calculate the last heap base, using the `heap_start` and `mapped_pages` // the next heap base will be `last_heap_base + (pages * PAGE_4K)` let last_heap_base = self.heap_start + self.mapped_pages * PAGE_4K; let new_addr = unsafe { syscall::inc_dec_heap((pages * PAGE_4K) as isize) }; let Ok(new_addr) = new_addr else { return None; }; // `inc_dec_heap` will return the top of the new block, so it must match where we think the heap ends assert!(new_addr as usize == last_heap_base); // update the mapped pages self.mapped_pages += pages; Some(new_addr) } } // just a simple usage fn main() { let allocator = HeapAllocator::new(PageAllocator::new()); let layout = !; // example of layout // allocate and deallocate let ptr = allocator.alloc(layout); allocator.dealloc(ptr, layout); }

The only thing users of this crate need to implement is the PageAllocatorProvider trait, which is a simple trait that requires a method to allocate pages.

syscall::inc_dec_heap is very similar to sbrk in Unix, it will increase or decrease the heap size by the given size. An argument of 0 will return the current heap address without changing it, which we use in the beginning to get the initial heap address.

Allocator implementation

The internal implementation of the allocator is as follows:

  • The HeapAllocator keep of a free linked-list, these are free heap blocks. We exploit that the blocks are free and store some metadata in the block itself.

    #![allow(unused)] fn main() { struct HeapFreeBlock { prev: *mut HeapFreeBlock, next: *mut HeapFreeBlock, // including this header size: usize, } }

    We have pointers to the previous and next free block, and the size of the block. As you might have guessed, HeapAllocator is a !Sync type, because we use raw pointers.

  • Whenever we need to allocate a block, we check the free list, pick the smallest block that fits the requested size, and split it if necessary. If we can't find a block, we allocate new pages from PageAllocatorProvider and add the new block to the free list.

  • Whenever we add a free block to the list, i.e. by dealloc or when getting new pages, we will try to merge with free blocks around it to avoid fragmentation. The implementation of this is at free_block And explained later at dealloc algorithm.

  • The allocated block will contain metadata residing before it in memory, this is used to know the size of the block and any padding it has, which the dealloc function can use later to correctly deallocate it without leaving any memory behind. The structure is:

    #![allow(unused)] fn main() { struct AllocatedHeapBlockInfo { magic: u32, size: usize, pre_padding: usize, } }

    The magic is a constant value 0xF0B0CAFE that we use to check if some bug happened, it could probably be removed when we have a stable implementation. But it has helped me a lot in debugging. size is the size of the block, and pre_padding is the padding before the block, which is used to align the block to the correct alignment, see alloc algorithm for more details.

alloc algorithm

First, we need to know how much memory we need for this allocation, we get the argument Layout which contain size, but we need to make sure of:

  • Including the AllocatedHeapBlockInfo metadata.
  • Making sure the block is aligned to the correct alignment, Layout::align.

First, we get a rough estimation of the size by doing:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { let block_info_layout = Layout::new::<AllocatedHeapBlockInfo>(); // whole_layout here is the layout of the the info header + requested block // `whole_block_offset` is the offset of the block after the info header let (whole_layout, block_offset_from_header) = block_info_layout .extend(layout.align_to(block_info_layout.align()).unwrap()) .unwrap(); let allocation_size = whole_layout.pad_to_align().size(); }

This will give us the raw size of the block along with any padding we may need to align it.

The alignment of this whole_layout is equal to the alignment of the largest of the two. Example:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use std::alloc::Layout; #[repr(align(32))] struct A(i32); #[repr(align(128))] struct C(i32); let layout_a = Layout::new::<A>(); let layout_c = Layout::new::<C>(); let (whole_layout, _) = layout_a.extend(layout_c).unwrap(); // whole_layout.align() == 128 let (whole_layout, _) = layout_c.extend(layout_a).unwrap(); // whole_layout.align() == 128 }

Which means we can totally just use allocation_size, and be done with it. But the issue is that we don't know the address of the free_block we will get, i.e. in order for this to work, we must make sure the address of the block we will return be aligned by whole_layout.align().

And the whole alignment of the returned free_block caused a bug before, which was fixed in 471eff0.

We know that free_block will always be aligned to AllocatedHeapBlockInfo, since all allocations are aligned to it.

But if the block we require, needs higher alignment we will probably need to increase the size of allocation_size to account for the extra padding.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • Get a free block from the free list that fits the allocation_size.

  • Get the allocated_block_offset which is an offset from the free_block pointer to the start of the block.

    • The new pointer from this offset is aligned to the block, that the user will get.
    • This is computed as such:
      #![allow(unused)] fn main() { // `layout` is the input `block` layout // `align_up` is a function that aligns the `base` to the `align` let possible_next_offset = align_up(base, layout.align()) - base; let allocated_block_offset = if possible_next_offset < mem::size_of::<AllocatedHeapBlockInfo>() { // if we can't fit the info header, we need to add to the offset possible_next_offset + mem::size_of::<AllocatedHeapBlockInfo>().max(layout.align()) } else { possible_next_offset }; }
  • Then, the ptr result will be free_block + allocated_block_offset. And the metadata will be stored in ptr - mem::size_of::<AllocatedHeapBlockInfo>(). i.e. directly before the ptr.

    It may seem that this is unsafe since ptr may not be aligned to AllocatedHeapBlockInfo, and thus we shouldn't just ptr - mem::size_of::<AllocatedHeapBlockInfo>(). But if layout has lower alignment than AllocatedHeapBlockInfo, the previous if statement will be true and we will get possible_next_offset + mem::size_of::<AllocatedHeapBlockInfo>().max(layout.align()).git log

    Maybe this is not the best way, or at least it should be documented better.

  • We need to check that allocated_block_offset doesn't exceed block_offset_from_header, if it does, then allocation_size is not enough anymore. As it relies on the previous block_offset_from_header, and we are using allocated_block_offset, which is higher.

    To fix this, we just increase allocation_size. Currently we don't check that free_block is enough for the new allocation_size, but we should. (Check TODO)

  • As a last step, we need to shrink/split the free_block. The idea is to see if the free block is larger than the allocation_size, then we split it into two blocks, one for the allocation and the other for the remaining free block. The remaining free block will be kept in the free list.

    But here we must be careful, we need to make sure that the remaining free block is large enough to hold the HeapFreeBlock metadata, i.e. mem::size_of::<HeapFreeBlock>(). Otherwise, when we update the metadata of the new split, we will overwrite the next block metadata.

    This was a bug before, and was fixed in cf53cf9.

    The split is done as such:

    #![allow(unused)] fn main() { let required_safe_size = allocation_size + mem::size_of::<HeapFreeBlock>(); // do we have empty space left? if free_block_size > required_safe_size { // split let new_free_block = free_block + allocation_size; // linked-list logic.... } else { // no space left, just remove the block from the free list // we need to note the size we took allocation_size = free_block_size; // linked-list logic.... } }

    The add_free_block will add the new free block to the free list, and try to merge it with the free blocks around it.

  • The pre_padding is the allocated_block_offset value, the size is the allocation_size at the end after all the considerations.

dealloc algorithm

This is a lot simpler than alloc, as the data is already provided by AllocatedHeapBlockInfo metadata.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • We get the pointer to the AllocatedHeapBlockInfo metadata, and we make sure the magic is correct.
  • We get the size and pre_padding from the metadata, the freeing block address will be ptr - pre_padding, and the size will be size.
  • We call free_block here, which is the same function used when getting new pages.

free_block algorithm

This is a function that will take a pointer to a block and its size, and add it to the free list.

In the beginning we look at all the free blocks (maybe slow?) and get the following information:

  • previous block if present (this is the block that ends at ptr - 1)
  • next block if present (this is the block that starts at ptr + size)
  • "closest previous block", this is an optimization, where we find the closest block that ends before ptr, the new block (this) will be put after this in the linked list if its not merged with anything before it. As we need to keep the list sorted.

    And as you might expect this was discovered after a bug in da23ee9 :'(.

The merge logic is very simple as follows:

  • If we have previous AND next block, we merge with both. The next block will be removed from the list as well.
  • If we have previous block, we merge with it, very easy prev.size += size.
  • If we have next block, we merge with it, the next block will be removed and this will replace it in the list.
  • If we have none, we just add the block to the list, after the closest previous block.
    • If we don't have a closest previous block, then we are the first block in the list, and we set it as the head of the list.


  • Add special implementation for realloc, which would be smarter without the need to alloc and dealloc.
  • I think there is a better way to implement alloc, currently, we waste a lot of space. Imagine this layout is align=512 and AllocatedHeapBlockInfo is align=8,size=32. The whole_layout will be align=512 and the allocated size will be 1024 even though we clearly don't need that. Also we can improve how we handle unaligned free_block.
  • Handle cases where we can't increase allocation_size as the free_block isn't enough